Evaluations in Residency Partner

Coordinators and attendings with administrative permission can create new evaluations and edit existing evaluations in Residency Partner. Evaluations have three different types of questions, Scaled, Yes/No and Comment. Scaled questions have a customizable scale, for example a question may ask an evaluator to rate an ability on a scale from 1 to 5, or 1-9. Yes/No questions will appear with two check boxes, one for Yes, and one for No. Comment questions contain space for evaluators to write responses to questions. In addition to Comment questions, each evaluation has a general comments area at the end of the evaluation. The comments at the end of an evaluation can be collected and displayed in a report.

Editing Pre-Existing Evaluation Forms

If you need to edit an evaluation form, only the forms generated after editing will reflect the changes. Forms completed prior to the editing will maintain the format that was present during generation.

Daily Evaluations

Daily Evaluations are impromptu evaluations that can only be completed once per day. The ability to decline an evaluation can be allowed.


Evaluators can fill out evaluations anonymously. Additionally, completed evaluations can be hidden from evaluatees until you want to show them. This is especially helpful in small departments where the identity of the evaluator could be easily guessed if the evaluation were shown to the evaluatee immediately after it was completed.


When an evaluation is generated it is sent to evaluators. An evaluation that has been finished by an evaluator is called a completed evaluation. Evaluations can be generated for selected groups, such as a specific rotation group, or individually selected persons. Email notifications can be sent to evaluators to let them know they have new evaluations to complete.

When generating evaluations, there are many options for selecting who is the evaluator and who is the evaluatee. Some of these reports may not be available at this time.

  • Attendings evaluate residents

  • Attendings evaluate residents on rotation

  • Resident evaluates themselves

  • Attending evaluates themselves

  • Residents evaluate attendings

  • Residents evaluate attendings on rotation

  • Peer to peer and Self evaluations

  • Residents evaluate conferences

  • Attendings evaluate conferences

  • Residents evaluate programs

  • Attendings evaluate programs

  • Residents evaluate rotations

  • Attendings evaluate rotations

If an evaluator needs to close an evaluation before it is completed, they can save it and come back to it later. When the evaluation is complete, the evaluator selects a check box that indicates the evaluation is complete. The evaluation can then be shown to the evaluatee. The coordinator can require that all questions in the evaluation be answered before the Completed check box can be selected.

Once evaluations have been completed, they can be viewed at any time by the coordinator. Completed evaluations can be printed during reviews to provide hard copies to reviewers.


Coordinators can send reminder email notifications to evaluators who have outstanding evaluations to log in to RP.NET and complete their evaluations.

Print Hardcopy

If needed, the coordinator can print the evaluations and distribute them, then enter the data into Residency Partner™when they are completed.

Reports about Evaluations

Residency Partner™ can generate reports about evaluations. The reports available are:

  • Summary of Resident Evaluations by Report

  • Summary Faculty Evaluations by Report

  • Summary of Attending Evaluations by Report

  • Summary of Rotation Evaluation by Report

  • Summary of Program Evaluations by Report

  • Summary of Conference Evaluations by Report

  • Summary Comparison Across Rotations by PGY Level

  • Evaluation Comments

  • Declined Comments

  • Summary of Resident Evaluations by Block

  • Outstanding Evaluations by Form

  • Outstanding Evaluations by Evaluator

  • Generated Evaluations by Form

  • Generated Evaluations by Evaluator

Email Notifications

When you receive an email notifying you to complete an evaluation, you will login to Residency Partner™ and be able to see your Outstanding evaluations. The grid will show you the name of the evaluation, who/what you are evaluating, the date the evaluation was made available to you, and the date you completed the evaluation.


You can either click on the Evaluation icon or you can click on the link under Outstanding Evaluations on the Welcome screen. This method will also take you to the Outstanding evaluation grid.

From this screen, you will be able to see evaluations that others have filled out about you. Using the drop down above the evaluation grid, you can select My Evaluations.

Once you have selected My Evaluations, the grid will show evaluations that were completed about you. The grid will show you the form name, who you were evaluated by (anonymous) the creation date of the evaluation and the date the evaluation was completed.

Easy to complete

Going back to the Outstanding evaluation screen, click Open to complete any evaluation forms that are present.  Once you have clicked Open, you will be taken to a screen that looks like the following:

Full comments

Once you have selected the answers to each section of questions, you will be given the opportunity to type in additional comments.

Save evaluation & mark as complete

If you completed the evaluation and do not need more time to consider your answers, click the box next to Mark as complete  and then click Save Evaluation.  You will receive the following confirmation after completing an evaluation. You can either choose to return to the Welcome screen or the Evaluation grid at this time.

However, if you want to revisit the evaluation, but would like to save your current progress, only click Save Evaluation. You will receive the following confirmation after saving your answers to the incomplete evaluation. You can either choose to return to the Welcome screen or the Evaluation grid at this time.